What is 1430 military time in Standard Time?
Military time is a way of expressing time used by members of the armed forces. This system uses a 24-hour clock to count elapsed time, beginning at midnight and ending at 2359. In military time, 1430 is considered to be two thirty in the afternoon. In standard, or civilian time, 1430 hours translates to 2:30 pm.
Understanding the differences between regular and military time can be confusing for those who are not familiar with the format. To convert from hours expressed in military time to standard civilian time, it is necessary to subtract 1200 from the four-digit military time expression and then reformat using two digits for the hour and two digits for the minutes. So 1430 would become 2:30 pm (1430 – 1200 = 230 = 2:30). The opposite format should be used when converting from civilian to military – adding 1200 converts two digits back into four numbers representing military hours and minutes (2: 30 pm = 2030 = 2030 + 1200 = 3230).
The benefit of using this type of expression for elapsed times instead of the standard 12 hour clock with AM/PM labels is more accurate description with fewer words or symbols. For instance, rather than saying something happened at "two-thirty AM" it becomes "zero two hundred thirty hours" or "0230 hours". This system can also accommodate full 24 hour days since there are no confusions between morning and afternoon clock times since they both begin at zero at midnight.
Most members of the armed forces are very familiar with this system and use it regularly in their day-to-day operations; however civilian personnel have just begun actively using this format in recent years outside of situations such as airlines schedules and hospital emergent care situations. As this type of expression becomes more accepted by civilians, understanding how to interpret these hours into a more recognizable format such as a two digit hour plus two digit minute glimpse into our every day lives will become easier. Hopefully this article has helped demystify encoded times like 1430 Military Time into its equivalent Standard Time representation which should be 2: 30 PM
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